In AgriTalent We offer the best solutions to strengthen human talent in the agricultural sector in Alberta Canada.

Labor challenges of the agricultural
sector in Alberta, Canadá.

This sector faces a skills shortage. You can find people, but not necessarily with the right skills.

Labour Force
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Between 2010 and 2020, this industry's contribution to Alberta's total employment declined from 2.5% to 2.0% and in 2020 was 13.3% lower than its level in 2019.
1.5 Billion
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The agricultural sector was unable to fill 26,400 jobs, costing it $1.5 billion in losses.
In 2025
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The sector will have almost 114,000 more jobs than the national workforce can cover.

“The Canadian agricultural sector is facing a growing labour crisis. The sector’s vacancy rate is the highest of all major sectors of the Canadian economy, and is typically two to three times higher than the average for all other sectors”


What advantages can we offer you?
We help you find the best human talent according to the needs of your company.